High School Diploma & Equivalency » High School Equivalency -HiSET

High School Equivalency -HiSET

HiSET Equivalency Certificate

In the State of California, you can earn a High School Equivalency Certificate by successfully passing one of two different exams: GED or HiSet.
In addition to our high school diploma program, Golden Oak Adult School offers test preparation services for students interested in taking the HiSET test. The classes are offered in a cohort model with instruction in a classroom setting as well as access to online instruction and preparation tools. We offer HiSET preparation for both the English and Spanish versions of the test. Classroom instruction for HiSET is done in a module form and students have the opportunity to take the exam for each subject following each module.
HiSET Exams
If you are only interested in taking the High School Equivalency Exams, please visit the HiSET website to schedule your test dates.